Sick and Homebound
Ministry to Sick and Homebound: Please notify the parish office (309-367-4407) when someone is hospitalized or if you are homebound and unable to join us at Sunday Eucharist.
Altar and Rosary Society
Our purpose is to unite all Catholic women of St. Mary’s Parish in religious, educational, service, and social activities. We are to assist the Pastor in spiritual and material undertakings of the parish.
Membership is open to all Catholic women who have reached the age of eighteen and is a member of the parish.
Some of our fundraising projects to help our parish include, working the KC & Altar & Rosary Pancake Breakfast for Catholic Schools week, Easter Bake Sale, Ice Cream Social in the park, the Christmas Cookie/Candy Bake Sale, and various raffles during the year.
We donate and support special church, school, and community projects such as parish signs, church windows and flooring, a yearly breakfast for women of the parish, the yearly golf outing, Trunk or Treat and the Community Christmas Gift Cards.
Our meetings are held the third Tuesday of the months: January, February, April, May, September, October and the second Tuesday in December (Christmas party) at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria.
To become a member please contact Sue Hawk at
The Altar and Rosary Society Board members 2024-25
President-Cindy Garber
Vice President-Letha Costello
2nd Vice President-Sue Hawk
Secretary-Chris Nauman
Treasurer-Judy Eckstein
Thank you to these ladies for serving in this mission.
February 25th meeting we will have bins and start collecting items for Center for Prevention of Abuse. The bins will then be moved to church, at the three entryways, throughout the month of March for further donations.
March 11th from 6-8pm we will host our second book club. Please join us and inquire to sign up via A & R Gmail ( Parish is invited to attend. The book for this time is, Rescued – The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel
By Fr. John Riccardo forward Scott Hahn
March 13th- Father and Altar and Rosary will be hosting a supper with a tour of our church with prayer time. Supper will be served at 6:00, prayer and tour to follow. Parish is invited. Sign up required.
March 18, 2025-Meeting at 6:30pm in school cafeteria
March 31st- Sister Diane and Sister Betty Jean along with Altar and Rosary will host a Lenten Reflection with lunch. Reflection starts at 11:00 with lunch to follow, in the church meeting room. Parish is invited. Sign up is required.
Sign ups will be in the back of church or by calling the rectory. February 25, 2025: Meeting 6:30pm (originally scheduled for Feb 18–rescheduled due to the weather)
April 8, 2025: Book Club
April 12 & 13, 2025: Easter Bake Sale after all Masses
April 15, 2025: Meeting 6:30pm
May 20, 2025: Meeting 6:30pm
Knights of Columbus
• The Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Sorrows Council 3060 (chartered June 25, 1947) has more than 200 members.
• We offer an opportunity to participate in Catholic action at many levels!
• All the good works we do are informed by our four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism
• All our programs are planned to protect and serve our church and its clergy, our members and their families, and the needy of our communities. Our Fund Raisers include: Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, Vocation Raffle, Intellectually Disability (Tootsie Roll) Fund Drive, Pork Chop Fry, and Lenten Fish Fry’s.
• We sponsor many community services, St. Mary’s Grade School and youth programs, and various Church activities. Various Fraternal Benefits are available to members as well, including an outstanding insurance program, orphan benefit, scholarships, widow benefits, and a subscription to Columbia Magazine.
How do I become a Knight?
• Membership is open to all practical Catholic men who are 18 years or older. A practical Catholic man is one who follows God’s Commandments and the Church’s Precepts. Interested men may obtain an application form from any Brother Knight, or contact Grand Knight Kris Severinsen by e-mail at
• Once you join the Knights you may attend our meetings which are held on the fourth Wednesday each month at 6:15 p.m.
• You may also visit or for more information.
America was different back in 1882 when Father Michael McGivney was assistant pastor of St. Mary’s parish in New Haven, Conn. Back then, when a man was badly hurt, took ill or died, his widow and children could be left penniless, lose their home, perhaps be split up. Father McGivney had seen it happen. And so, with a small band of parishioners, he created the Knights of Columbus which would become the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Named in honor of the mariner Christopher Columbus, it originally served as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics. It was formed to render financial aid to members and their families who were sick, disabled or needy. Later, the organization offered social and intellectual fellowship through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in communities.
The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 15,100 councils and 1.9 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam, Saipan, Lithuania, Ukraine, and South Korea.
Prayer Weavers
Prayer Weavers of St. Mary’s Church, Metamora make prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those in need. There is no charge for this service of love. To make a donation/request a shawl/lap robe, or to participate in this ministry, contact Sue Wyckoff (309) 229-8599, Ginny Downs (309) 231-2769 or leave word at the Parish Office (309) 367-4407.
Upcoming Meetings: Church meeting room at 7pm
Pro Life Representative
The Pro-Life movement does not just mean the fight against abortion. It means caring for people from conception to death.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month: Every child deserves to live in a peaceful home. Learn to identify abuse, report abuse, and be a good neighbor. Does your neighbor need help running errands? Can you babysit small children so mom can rest, get her hair cut, go to a doctor’s appointment or get groceries? Any good deed can help relieve stress, thereby helping the parent(s) create a peaceful home environment for them and their children.
Our duties as Catholics and followers of Jesus are to care for our neighbors. But how do we start? There are so many ways:
Destiny for Women Health Clinic. Is a Catholic organization that is locally owned and ran. Please check out the website at
Foster Village Peoria: was established by three foster mothers to bridge the gaps in support and resources for caregivers working with the foster care system in the Tri-County area. You can check out their website at:
Snackpac Metamora: Providing heathy breakfasts and snacks for those that might go without. For more information contact Debbie Rauh at
Metamora Food Panty: A tub for food donations has been placed in the southwest corner of the church by the Lady of Prague statue.
Snyder Village: caring for the elderly and sick in our area: There are many ways to help by contacting Ashley Thompson at
Suggestions are always welcome.
Watch this page for Upcoming Events:
Destiny for Women, a pro-life organization, is looking for help: If you have time available, they need help moving some rocks from the front of their entrance. If you’re fall cleaning, they need a good printer, printer paper and ink cartridges. Donations of baby items, especially blankets, are always needed.
Our parish has been very generous. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have a donation to make. I’ve been making monthly trips to their office.
Chris Nauman
Prayer Chain
If you are in need of prayer for yourself or a loved one, members of our prayer chain would like to pray for you. You may contact Diane Moughler at (309)-256-2885, or send an email to You may also contact Diane if you are interested in joining St. Mary’s prayer chain.
Cemetery Lots
If you need to purchase cemetery plots of have any questions about the cemetery, please contact Dick Noe at (309)-573-4302 or the parish office at (309)-367-4407.
That Man Is You
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society.
T.M.I.Y. meets on Thursdays, beginning January 30, 2025, from 6:00-7:00am at St. Mary of Lourdes Hall.
Learn more at or contact Bart 309-402-8250, Stan 309-210-2614, or Matt 309-256-3742.